Mortgage Purchase Leads (Veterans)

Veterans Mortgage Purchase Mortgage Leads – Straight from the Publisher

  • 100% Veterans Purchase Mortgage Leads
  • 5-15% App Ratios
  • $6-8 Depending On State Coverage
  • Sold 1 to 0 times – Unsold as Aged
  • Exclusive as a Seasoned Lead

***Ask about our overage policy for December Leads

If you’d like to speak to any of our current clients on these VA mortgage purchase leads – just ask!

Our VA purchase leads are opt-in, unsold as aged, and have reports of a 10% app ratio…..Why so fairly priced you ask? Well these are overflow leads. In many cases they were not even sold real-time. When you get them seasoned, they’re VERY happy you called.

We only sell them once, and then we lock them in the vault. Our clients use these as “Realtor Bait”. These are so inexpensive, you can’t lose. In most cases, these leads were not even sold real time. This is why they have a 10% average app ratio.

What’s the Catch?

Here’s the catch. We just landed this feed of VA leads. We will lose the feed unless we can find full state coverage. Once your firm tests them, we are just asking for help to refer to other states if you’d like to continue taking them. We need your referrals!…..All of our clients who have tested so far have loved them, and want to continue buying, and have agreed to help us find coverage.

Once again – If you’d like to speak to any of our current clients on these VA mortgage purchase leads – just ask!